Working with Overseas Non-profits

At Myriad Canada, we strongly believe that working with local or community-based non-profit organizations is a very efficient way of conducting charitable projects abroad.

Myriad Canada manages charitable projects abroad in the fields of Education Advancement, Poverty Alleviation, Health, Arts, Scientific Research, and the Environment, using its own personnel and with the help of local non-profit organizations in the United States, Central and Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

When we work with local organizations, we verify that the project has been carried out in accordance with the terms that have been agreed upon and in compliance with professional procedures.

Our commitments

  • A focus on direct outcomes;
  • Control over the use of funds and activities;
  • A cap on management fees: 95% of project donations directly allocated to the charitable activities;
  • Speed and flexibility;
  • Delivery of official receipts for tax purposes in Canada.

Benefits of a collaboration with Myriad Canada

  • Personalized Giving Solutions – We accept gifts from individuals, families, corporations and foundations. We can receive cash donations by credit card, cheque or bank transfer; gifts of securities; bequests and other planned gifts; life insurance policies; or retirement plan assets.
    • For more information about the Ways to Give to Myriad Canada, please click here.
  • Tax Benefits – As a registered charitable organization in Canada pursuant to the Income Tax Act (Canada), Myriad Canada provides official receipts for donations, allowing donors to claim the income tax benefit to which they are entitled under Canadian law.

You’re part of an organization located outside of Canada and interested in learning more? Contact Augustine Hermans at +1 438 803 3186 or to determine whether an operational collaboration can be agreed upon to implement a charitable project.