
The Canadian Friends of the Common Goal

The Canadian Friends of the Common Goal

Translating the power of football into sustainable social change.

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The YouthStart Fund (Belgium)

The YouthStart Fund (Belgium)

Stimulate entrepreneurship among disadvantaged youngsters.

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The Canadian friends of the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain – Belgium)

The Canadian friends of the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain – Belgium)

Scholarships to deserving students who are financially not well-off and scientific research.

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The Canadian Friends of the Maison Shalom in Rwanda

The Canadian Friends of the Maison Shalom in Rwanda

Support for Burundian refugees living in Rwanda destined to help them out of extreme poverty through children’s schooling and providing microcredit to the women.

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The Canadian Friends of The Bollandist Society

The Canadian Friends of The Bollandist Society

Restoration of rare and old books about the lives of the saints.

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The Pure Ocean Fund

The Pure Ocean Fund

Protection of fragile marine ecosystems and the ocean’s biodiversity.

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The Wellbeing Project

The Wellbeing Project

Research and Knowledge Centre on the connection between inner development/wellbeing and social change.

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Access to water in Burkina Faso

Access to water in Burkina Faso

Access to water in Burkina Faso.

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Scholarships for students and relieving the poverty of people in distress

Scholarships for students and relieving the poverty of people in distress

Scholarships for university students and help for people in major financial difficulty (Canada).

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