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Madeleine, Alice and Louis Crab Fund

Un projet de Prénom Nom


  • Guided by an experience, a memory or a life story, generosity can assume many forms. Crossing oceans and time to give meaning to activities and contribute to the common good. This is what Claude Le Flem, a Belgian citizen who has lived for almost 50 years in the city of Quebec, has done.
  • Through the establishment of the Madeleine Crab Fund, endowed with 1 million dollars, Mr Flem sought to honor his mother’s memory and support youngsters at the Athénée Royal de Gembloux (Belgium) who wish to continue their studies to higher education but who lack the means to do so.
  • Find out more about the creation of the Fund.


The Fund’s objective is to provide support for pupils terminating their secondary schooling at the Athénée Royal de Gembloux (Belgium) and who wish to continue their studies at higher education, but lack the financial means to do so.


  • An annual award of 10,000 euros is made to a student in his/her final year.
  • Personal support is also provided in order to maximize the student’s chances of success in their academic studies. This support takes various forms, such as putting the student in contact with people from future professions envisaged, help in finding a company (or organization) internship as part of his/her studies, or a language course during the holidays.


The student selection is conducted by a jury on the basis of the following criteria:

  • need: the family’s socio-economic profile (deprivation);
  • the quality of academic results;
  • regular practice of a sport;
  • involvement in society e.g. through community volunteering;
  • paid employment during the school year and/or during the holidays;
  • motivation and personality.

These criteria are evaluated on the basis of a written application and a personal interview.

Candidate applications should be sent by e-mail to

Myriad Canada’s role is to carry out charitable projects across the globe in accordance with its charitable purposes. We control and monitor the use of funds and the progress of charitable activities to ensure that donations made to Myriad Canada have the greatest impact in accordance with donors’ expressed wishes. As a member of the Myriad Alliance with offices in Canada, the US, Europe, Asia and Australia, Myriad Canada has a vast international network and extensive practical expertise.