Supporting Forest Landscape Restoration around the World

Un projet de Prénom Nom

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Forests are vital ecosystems that support a rich diversity of life. They play a crucial role in providing clean air and water, which are essential for human well-being. Biodiversity is fundamental to the ecosystem services and socio-economic benefits that forests offer. Deforestation and forest degradation threaten species with extinction and disrupt the ecosystems that sustain human populations.


Restore threatened and degraded forests landscapes with the aim of amplifying the impact of trees for people, nature, and climate.


Activities may include:

  • Protecting remaining forests through the strengthening of local governance and community engagement;
  • Reducing deforestation by introducing agroforestry practices to local communities;
  • Measuring the forests’ growth as well as their environmental and socio-economic impact through mapping and research.

Myriad Canada is working with WeForest on this project, a nonprofit whose mission is to contribute to action on climate, the environment and humanity, through the conservation and restoration of forests and forest landscapes on a global scale. Since 2009, WeForest’s four global programmes – encompassing nearly 20 tailored nature-based projects across Latin America, Africa, and Asia have resulted in:

  • Over 50,000 hectares of forest landscape restored and conserved
  • 80 million trees growing
  • The habitat of 68 threatened (IUCN Red List) species protected
  • 70,000 families strengthened economically
  • 5M tonnes of CO₂ captured
  • $500 per household increase in average annual income in partner communities

Myriad Canada’s role is to carry out charitable activities across the globe in accordance with its charitable purposes. We control and monitor the use of funds and the progress of charitable activities to ensure that donations made to Myriad Canada have the greatest impact in accordance with donors’ expressed wishes. As a member of the Myriad Alliance with offices in Canada, the US, Europe, Asia and Australia, Myriad Canada has a vast international network and extensive practical expertise.

How to support this project?

By credit card:
At the top right of this page, indicate the amount you wish to donate, and make the donation online by credit card. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes by e-mail just a few minutes after making the donation. It is simple and fast!

By cheque:

• Make the cheque out to Myriad Canada
• Please mention ‘F301 – Forest Landscape Restoration ’ in the ‘For’ section to ensure your donation is allocated correctly
• Mail your cheque to: Myriad Canada, 1 Place Ville Marie, Suite 1670, Montreal, QC, H3B 2B6, Canada

By Direct Deposit:
Please email or call Caroline Chaulet : or +1-438-300-8122.

For donation of Securities:
Please email or call Caroline Chaulet : or +1-438-300-8122.


All donations are eligible for a tax receipt in Canada.

The projects are managed with the greatest care and professionalism.