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Apprenticeship program for female trauma survivors in Philadelphia, USA

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Philadelphia is one of the poorest major cities in America, with poverty rates exceeding 20% in 2023.

High poverty rates create countless additional obstacles for women starting over. There is a gap in services in Philadelphia for women who have left coercive or abusive situations, and a profound need for these women to be able to support themselves in a trauma-friendly environment.

After leaving an abuser, and as they try to become independent, survivors often return to their abusers because they don’t have the means to support themselves. Other factors that prevent a survivor from taking steps to become independent include her workplace being a trigger, her abusers harassing her at work, her work being inconsistent due to co-parenting with her abuser, or her finding it difficult to manage her traumatic reactions and emotional regulation due to the assaults suffered in the workplace.


Our vision is of a world where no woman has to return to her abuser. Through a specific apprenticeship program based on skills development, trauma-informed support, financial empowerment and community integration, the goal of this project is to help women achieve lasting change and true independence.


Female trauma survivors engage in a 9-month apprenticeship program where they have the opportunity to work alongside professionals in the event planning industry. In this process, they are able to learn the transferable job skills that come alongside event work, including customer service, project management, vendor relations, planning and organizing, the ability to adjust and work under pressure, and the soft skills of general professionalism that take them into the workplace and beyond.

While following the transitional employment program, participants also continue growing their financial aptitude alongside a financial advisor and continue their healing alongside a licensed therapist in a financial literacy program (12 weeks) and a group therapy program.

Key Performance Indicators to be Reached (KPIs)

  • Employment: 80% of participants demonstrate readiness through key job preparation milestones; and 90% of participants secure employment within six months.
  • Financial Empowerment: 90% of participants improve financial literacy; and 70% of participants report increased income or financial stability within six months post-program.
  • Trauma Informed Support: 100% of participants have access to trauma-informed counseling, peer groups, and community resources within the first month; and 80% of participants report improvements in emotional and mental well-being.

Watch the Andrée Collective Gala 2024 video

Myriad Canada is working with Andrée Collective on this project, a U.S. non-profit organization whose mission is to serve female trauma survivors of primarily domestic violence and human trafficking with transitional employment, therapy, and financial literacy. The organization is located in Philadelphia and receive referrals from Philadelphia area organizations, with over 90% of program participants coming from underserved neighborhoods within the city of Philadelphia.

Myriad Canada’s role is to carry out charitable projects across the globe in accordance with its charitable purposes. We control and monitor the use of funds and the progress of charitable activities to ensure that donations made to Myriad Canada have the greatest impact in accordance with donors’ expressed wishes. As a member of the Myriad Alliance with offices in Canada, the US, Europe, Asia and Australia, Myriad Canada has a vast international network and extensive practical expertise.

How to support this project?

By credit card: At the top right of this page, indicate the amount you wish to donate, and make the donation online by credit card. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes by e-mail just a few minutes after making the donation. It is simple and quick!

By cheque:

  • Make your cheque out to Myriad Canada.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: We receive a lot of cheques! You must please indicate “Project C414 – Apprenticeship program female trauma survivors” in the memo line of your cheque to ensure that it is allocated correctly.
  • Mail your cheque to: Myriad Canada, 1 Place Ville Marie, Suite 1670, Montreal, QC, H3B 2B6, Canada.

By Direct Deposit:

For Donation of Securities:

For Monthly Donations: 

  • We use CanadaHelps. Please find the link here.

If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

All donations are eligible for a tax receipt in Canada.

The projects are managed with the greatest care and professionalism.