Ways to Give

Myriad Canada works with individuals, families, corporations, foundations and professional advisors to facilitate tax-efficient giving today and legacy planning for the future. We accept a wide variety of assets, including non-cash assets.


Making a cash donation is very simple, whether by credit card, cheque or bank transfer.

  • Credit Card You can give online via a credit card anytime. Visit our Projects page and choose the project you would like to support.
  • Cheque To make a donation via cheque, please make your cheque payable to Myriad Canada and write the Project or Fund code and name in the ‘For’ section to ensure your donation is allocated correctly. Send your cheque to: Myriad Canada, 1 Place Ville Marie, Suite 1670, Montreal, QC, H3B 2B6, Canada.
  • Bank transferTo send a donation electronically from your financial institution to Myriad Canada, contact Caroline Chaulet at caroline@myriadcanada.org or +1 438 300 8122.


Donating appreciated securities directly to Myriad Canada may help you receive a charitable tax deduction as well as avoid paying capital gains taxes, resulting in a potentially larger donation than if you sold the securities yourself and donated the proceeds. You will receive a tax credit for the fair market value of the securities on the day of the transaction.

Myriad Canada accepts publicly listed securities and shares in private companies. To donate securities to Myriad Canada, contact Caroline Chaulet at caroline@myriadcanada.org or +1 438 300 8122.

Donor Advised Funds

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) at Myriad Canada is a flexible tool for individuals, families, and companies who wish to provide regular support to international charitable projects. By establishing a DAF at Myriad Canada, you can contribute to it whenever it suits you, obtain an official receipt for tax purposes in Canada, and recommend donations to your favorite charitable project.

To open a Donor Advised Fund or to recommend donations from your Fund, contact Augustine Hermans at augustine@myriadcanada.org or +1 438 803 3186.

Bequests and other deferred gifts

One of the easiest ways to give later is via your will or estate plan. You can bequeath a specific dollar amount, property to be sold, or percentage of your estate to Myriad Canada, to support your Donor Advised or Legacy Fund, or one of our projects.

To receive sample language to be included in your will, please contact Augustine Hermans at augustine@myriadcanada.org or +1 438 803 3186.

Life Insurance policies

To give beyond your lifetime, you may transfer ownership of an existing paid-up life insurance policy to your Donor Advised or Legacy Fund at Myriad Canada or name Myriad Canada as the partial or full beneficiary of a life insurance policy.

To determine how an insurance policy may provide tax benefits and help you make a bigger charitable impact, contact your professional advisor.

Retirement plan assets

Retirement plan assets (RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs) can be a tax-efficient way to give during and after your lifetime. Contact your professional advisor for more information.


Note: Payments that provide the donor with a personal benefit (such as membership fees, journal subscriptions and other goods and services) are not considered to be charitable donations, and in this case no official donation receipts for income tax purposes will be issued.